“As I get older, I realise being wrong isn’t a bad thing like they teach you in school. It is an opportunity to learn something.” (This is a year of Feynman – week 17 of 52)

– Richard P. Feynman (11 May 1918 – 15 Feb 1988)

From the Manhattan Project to the Challenger investigation, the physicist and Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman loved to shoot down what he called “lousy ideas.” Today, the world is awash in lousy ideas — so maybe it’s time to get some more Feynman in our lives?

Credit: https://freakonomics.com/podcast/the-curious-mr-feynman/


Attributed to RFP but I can’t find any confirmation from a few minutes of desktop research (ie Google!).

If anyone can confirm he said it or wrote it OR even confirm that someone else said it or wrote it, please let me know.

My assumption is that it is a reframing of other things he said or wrote and aligned to his ongoing defence of learning, as emphasised by this quote:

Each piece, or part, of the whole of nature is always merely an approximation to the complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact, everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be corrected. … The test of all knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific “truth”.

The Feynman Lectures on Physics, volume I; lecture 1, “Atoms in Motion”; section 1-1, “Introduction”; p. 1-1

More from Feynman next time.


PS: I love coffee. BuyMeACoffee, leave a message with a date and time and we can share it, remotely, at the same time, and think about the Cosmos.

In the meantime, take care of yourself and if you can, someone else, too, because as Adam Smith said, “we naturally desire not only to be loved but to be lovely”.

Remember, hope lives here.

Opening image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Feynman_at_Los_Alamos.jpg

Contact Stargazing Guy for any copyright-related requests or queries @ stargazer1@stargazingguy.co.uk

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