Hope lives here.

Hope vs Cope vs Mope:

Hope – We’ll build a better future. The future is bright.

Cope – Everything was better in the past. We need to slow down.

Mope – Everything’s bad. We’re all going to die very soon.

Credit: @_brightmirror (Twitter)

“Value the future on a timescale longer than your own.”

Richard Dawkins, one of his ‘commandments

Harsh past / Imperfect present / Better future

As Snoopy says:

Learn from yesterday; Live for today; Look to tomorrow; Rest this afternoon:

Credit: Charles M Schulz

Hope lives here:

Five essential actions for building sustainable human progress and leading to the settlement of space and a galaxy-wide civilisation:

1. Diversification of energy production (to nuclear power – the expansion of fission and then fusion; Solar Based Power Satellites; deep geothermal; whilst improving Earth Based Solar Panels, wind and ocean energy; and battery technology).

2. Electrification of commercial transport.

3. Hydrocarbon production from Sabatier process (for non-energy/fuel purposes).

4. Cislunar economy, partly to develop permanent space settlements, using asteroid and lunar resources

5. Move heavy industry to cislunar area (via space tethers and space elevators).

Keep your eyes open for more details on all these subjects in future blogs.


“Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.”

Helen Keller (unsubstantiated)


“Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”

Stephen King, The Shawshank Redemption


“Always make your future bigger than your past.”

― Dan Sullivan, The Quotable Dan Sullivan


“Catastrophizing the world’s problems doesn’t motivate us to solve them. It robs us of hope.

Spreading doom and gloom is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Failing to see a way to change drains our will to act.

Progress doesn’t require positivity. It rests on a sense of possibility.”

– Adam Grant (X = @AdamMGrant)



PS: I love coffee. BuyMeACoffee, leave a message with a date and time and we can share it, remotely, at the same time, and think about the Cosmos.

In the meantime, take care of yourself and if you can, someone else, too, because as Adam Smith said, “we naturally desire not only to be loved but to be lovely”.

Contact Stargazing Guy for any copyright-related requests or queries @ stargazer1@stargazingguy.co.uk

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