“[I call myself] an atheist. Agnostic for me would be trying to weasel out and sound a little nicer than I am about this.” (This is a year of Feynman – week 18 of 52)

– Richard P. Feynman (11 May 1918 – 15 Feb 1988)

From the Manhattan Project to the Challenger investigation, the physicist and Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman loved to shoot down what he called “lousy ideas.” Today, the world is awash in lousy ideas — so maybe it’s time to get some more Feynman in our lives?

Credit: https://freakonomics.com/podcast/the-curious-mr-feynman/


His response when asked whether he called himself an atheist or an agnostic.

The Voice of Genius: Conversations with Nobel Scientists and Other Luminaries by Denis Brian (1995), Basic Books, p. 49.

More about Feynman’s atheism next time.


PS: I love coffee. BuyMeACoffee, leave a message with a date and time and we can share it, remotely, at the same time, and think about the Cosmos.

In the meantime, take care of yourself and if you can, someone else, too, because as Adam Smith said, “we naturally desire not only to be loved but to be lovely”.

Remember, hope lives here.

Opening image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Feynman_at_Los_Alamos.jpg

Contact Stargazing Guy for any copyright-related requests or queries @ stargazer1@stargazingguy.co.uk

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